Yack 'n Yarn
all levelsIf you're struggling to find some time for yourself during your busy week, then this is the time for you. A social gathering (not a class), where like minded students can get together for a good yack and a bit of yarn craft. Bring along your crochet or knitting project to work on with help available if needed. Ideal for any crocheter or knitter who is new to the social aspects of the craft and looking for a welcoming group to get to know others with similar interests and skill levels. Every Wednesday from 6.00pm - 8.00pm. Come once, every week, or whenever suits you. Places are limited so bookings are essential. $30 per session, includes tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cold drinks and home made bikkies. BYO food if you would like, there is access to a microwave. Pre-requisites: Must have attended a class with a frayed knot, or made prior arrangements. All skill levels are welcome.