
What is a frayed knot?

a frayed knot Canberra came into being after seeing a need in the Canberra region for lessons for anyone wanting to learn to crochet and knit. Be “afraid not” to give the beginners lessons a go with a frayed knot Canberra, and you may just impress yourself with how well you pick up the skills for crochet and knitting. The instructors at a frayed knot are enthused and patient with you as you get the hang of your crochet and knitting skills. With small class sizes, instructors have plenty of time to spend with individual students during class time.

Granny Squares
Who is a frayed knot?

Marg has previously held roles as a driving instructor and bus driver, as well as working in admin. In her spare time you will usually find her with a hook or needles in her hand working on various projects. She has been crocheting and knitting for most of her life. She enjoys the challenges crochet and knitting can have when exploring new stitches and techniques. Thanks to the internet, there is always something new to learn.

Marg has experience as a crochet instructor and enjoys helping others to grow with their crochet and knitting skills and loves seeing the improvement in others. She understands that every person works at their own pace and tension and that some people pick up new learning faster than others.